
  • Salar Asadolahi, Jim Farney, Phil Triadafilopoulos, & Linda White. (2022). “Charting the rise of school choice across Canadian provinces: A policy index.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 55(1), 188–207. doi:10.1017/S0008423921000901

    Salar Asadolahi, Jim Farney, Phil Triadafilopoulos, & Linda White. (2022). “School choice, policy feedback effects, and policy outcomes: Understanding the relationship between government policy design and parent decisions to ‘stay’ or ‘defect’ from public education.” Comparative Education, 58(2), 242–259. doi:10.1080/03050068.2021.2021129

    Anne West. (2022). “Education and ignorance in the U.K. 80 years after Beveridge: The role of government and equality of opportunity.” Social Policy and Administration, 56(2), 299–314. doi:10.1111/spol.12781

  • Ursula Hackett. (2020). America's voucher politics: How elites learned to hide the state. Cambridge University Press.
    2021 Best Book Award from the Education Politics & Policy section (American Political Science Association).
    2022 Richard E. Neustadt Award (American Politics Group of the Political Studies Association, UK).

    Heather Millar, Adrienne Davidson, & Linda White. (2020). “Puzzling publics: The role of reflexive learning in Universal Pre-kindergarten (UPK) policy formulation in Canada and the USA.” Public Policy and Administration, 35(3), 312–336. doi:10.1177/0952076719889100

    Anne West, Anges Blome, & Jane Lewis, J. (2020). “What characteristics of funding, provision and regulation are associated with effective social investment in ECEC in England, France and Germany?” Journal of Social Policy, 49(4), 681–704. doi:10.1017/S0047279419000631

  • Ursula Hackett. (2019). “Attenuated governance: How policymakers insulate private school choice from legal challenge.” Policy Studies Journal, 47(2), 237–273. doi:10.1111/psj.12327
    2022 Theodore J. Lowi Prize for the best article published at any time in Policy Studies Journal

    Anne West. (2019). “La privatisation de l’éducation dans le système scolaire Anglais” [Privatisation of education in the English school system]. Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres, 82, 76–82. doi:10.4000/ries.9145

  • Beesan Sarrouh. (2018). “Elusive inclusion: Comparing the counter-intuitive accommodation policies of Islamic schools in Scotland and Quebec.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(7), 2667–1685. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2018.1528868

  • Clark Banack. (2017, Nov 10). “Opinion: How Bill 24 may hurt the NDP and help Jason Kenney.” Edmonton Journal.

    Jim Farney. (2017). “Stability amidst change: Ontario’s religious schools and Canada’s regime of secularism.” American Review of Canadian Studies, 47(1), 1–15. doi:10.1080/02722011.2017.1284136

    Ursula Hackett. (2017). “Offers and throffers: Education policy under Obama.” In E. Ashbee & J. Dumbrell (Eds.), The Obama presidency and the politics of change (pp. 181–197). Palgrave Macmillan.

    Ursula Hackett. (2017). “Theorizing the submerged state: The politics of private schools in the United States.” Policy Studies Journal, 45(3), 464–489. doi:10.1111/psj.12170

    Sigrid Hartong & Rita Nikolai (2017). “Observing the ‘local globalness’ of policy transfer in education.” Comparative Education Review, 61(3), 519–537. doi:10.1086/692503

    Thomas Koinzer, Rita Nikolai, & Florian Waldow. (Eds.) (2017). Private schools and school choice in compulsory education, global change and national challenge. Springer VS.

    Thomas Koinzer, Rita Nikolai, & Florian Waldow. (2017). “Private schools and school choice as global phenomena: An introduction.” In T. Koinzer, R. Nikolai, & F. Waldow (Eds.), Private schools and school choice in compulsory education, Global change and national challenge (pp. 1–6). Springer VS.

    Rita Nikolai, Kendra Briken, Dennis Niemann. (2017.) “Teacher unions in Germany: Fragmented competitors.” In T. M. Moe & S. Wiborg (Eds.), Comparative politics of education: Teachers unions and education systems around the world (pp. 114–142). Cambridge University Press.

    Rita Nikolai & Thomas Koinzer (2017.) “Long tradition, moderate distribution and growing importance: Private schools in Germany as ‘change agents’ of school choice.” In T. Koinzer, R. Nikolai & F. Waldow (Eds.), Private schools and school choice in compulsory education, Global change and national challenge (pp. 81–97). Springer VS.

    Rob Vipond. (2017). Making a global city: How one Toronto school embraced diversity. University of Toronto Press.

    Jane Lewis & Anne West. (2017). “‘Learning from others’: English proposals for early years’ education and care reform and policy transfer from France and the Netherlands, 2010-2015.” Social Policy and Administration, 52(3), 677–689. doi:10.1111/spol.12349

    Anne West & Rita Nikolai. (2017). “The expansion of ‘private’ schools in England (academies/free schools), Sweden (friskolor) and Germany (Freie Schulen): A comparative perspective on policy development and the role of ideas in institutional change.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 19(5), 452-469. doi:10.1080/13876988.2016.1262549

    Anne West. (2017). Private schools in Sweden: Policy development, inequalities and emerging issues. In T. Koinzer, R. Nikolai & F. Waldow (Eds.), Private schools and school choice in compulsory education, Global change and national challenge (pp. 67–79). Springer VS.

  • Ursula Hackett. (2016). “The goldilocks principle: Applying the exclusive disjunction to fuzzy sets.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 19(5), 551–574. doi:10.1080/13645579.2015.1053708

    Ursula Hackett. (2016). “The exit-voice choice: Religious divides, public aid, and America’s private schools.” Politics and Religion 9(2), 249–270. doi:10.1017/S1755048316000201

    Ursula Hackett. (2016). The six great societies. Presidential Studies Quarterly 46(2), 284–305. doi:10.1111/psq.12271

    Ursula Hackett & David E. Campbell. (2016). “Symposium introduction: The politics of religious alliances.” Politics and Religion 9(2), 227–233. doi:10.1017/S1755048316000298

    Beesan Sarrouh & Keith Banting. (2016). “Regionalizing dimensions of citizenship: Accommodating Muslim minorities in Quebec.” European Yearbook of Minority Issues 13(1), 151–172. doi:10.1163/22116117_01301008

    Phil Triadafilopoulos & Joachim Rahmann. (2016). “Making room for Islam in Germany’s public schools: A view from the Länder.” In U. Hunger & N. Schröder (Eds.), Staat und Islam (pp. 131–157). Springer VS. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-07202-5_6

    Anne West. (2016) L’école maternelle à la source de la réduction des inégalités sociales: une comparaison internationale’ Paris: Conseil national d’évaluation du système scolaire [Nursery education and reducing social inequalities: An international comparison]. Cnesco, Paris.

  • Clark Banack. (2015). “Understanding the influence of faith-based organizations on education policy in Alberta.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 48(4), 933–959. doi:10.1017/S0008423915000797

    Ursula Hackett. (2015). “But not both: The exclusive disjunction in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).” Quality and Quantity, 49(1) 75–92. doi:10.1007/s11135-013-9975-5

    Anne West. (2015). “Education policy and governance in England under the coalition government (2010–15): Academies, the pupil premium, and free early education.” London Review of Education, 13(2) 21–36. doi:10.18546/LRE.13.2.03

    Linda White. (2015, Dec 14). “Facebook chief’s charity is unkind to democracy.” Toronto Star.

  • Clark Banack. (2014). “Conservative Christianity, anti-statism, and Alberta’s public sphere: The curious case of Bill 44.” In S. Lefebvre and L. Beaman (Eds.), Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies (pp. 257–274). University of Toronto Press. doi:10.3138/9781442617353-014

    Ursula Hackett. (2014). “Republicans, Catholics and the West: Explaining the strength of religious school aid prohibitions.” Politics and Religion, 7(3), 499–520. doi:10.1017/S1755048313000242

    Anne West. (2014). “Academies in England and independent schools (fristående skolor) in Sweden: Policy, privatization, access, and segregation.” Research Papers in Education, 29(3), 330–350. doi:10.1080/02671522.2014.885732

  • Christian Ebner, Lukas Graf, & Rita Nikolai. (2013). “New institutional linkages between dual vocational training and higher education: A comparative analysis of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.” In M. Windzio (Ed.), Integration and inequality in educational institutions (pp. 281–298). Springer.

    Jim Farney. (2013). “Canadian populism in the era of the united right.” In J. Farney & D. Rayside (Eds.), Conservatism in Canada (pp. 43–59). University of Toronto Press.

    Rita Nikolai & Anne West. (2013). “School type and educational inequalities.” In R. Brooks, K. Bhopal, & M. McCormack (Eds.), Contemporary debates in the sociology of education (pp. 57–75). Palgrave Macmillan.

    Anne West & Elizabeth Bailey (2013). “The development of the Academies Programme: “Privatizing” school-based education in England 1986–2013.” British Journal of Educational Studies, 61(2), 137–159. doi:10.1080/00071005.2013.789480

    Anne West & Rita Nikolai. (2013). “Welfare regimes and education regimes: Equality of opportunity and expenditure in the E.U. (and U.S.).” Journal of Social Policy, 42(3), 469–493. doi:10.1017/S0047279412001043

  • Jim Farney. (2012). Social conservatives and party politics in Canada and the United States. University of Toronto Press.

    Rita Nikolai. (2012). “Towards social investment? Patterns of public policy in the OECD world.” In N. Morel, B. Palier, & J. Palme (Eds.), Towards a social investment welfare state? Ideas, policies and challenges (pp. 91–115). Policy Press.

    Rita Nikolai & Christian Ebner. (2012). “The link between vocational training and higher education in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany.” In R. Marius, C. Trampusch (Eds.), The comparative political economy of collective skill formation systems (pp. 234–258). Oxford University Press.

    Phil Triadafilopoulos. (2012). Becoming multicultural: Immigration and the politics of membership in Canada and Germany. University of British Columbia Press.

    Linda White. (2012). “Must we all be paradigmatic? Social investment policies and liberal welfare states.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 45(3), 1–27. doi:10.1017/S0008423912000753

    Linda White & Martha Friendly. (2012). “Public funding, private delivery: States, markets, and early childhood education and care in liberal welfare states—Australia, the U.K., Quebec, and New Zealand.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 14(4), 292–310. doi:10.1080/13876988.2012.699789

  • Phil Triadafilopoulos. (2011). “Illiberal means to liberal ends? Understanding recent immigrant integration policies in Europe.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 37(6), 861–880. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2011.576189

  • Jutta Allmendinger, Ebner Christian, & Rita Nikolai. (2010). “Education in Europe and the Lisbon benchmarks.” In J. Alber, & N. Gilbert (Eds.), United in diversity? Comparing social models in Europe and America (pp. 308–327), Oxford University Press.

    Marius R. Busemeyer & Rita Nikolai. (2010). “Education.” In H. Obinger, C. Pierson, F. Castles, S. Leibfried, & J. Lewis (Eds.), Oxford handbook of comparative welfare states (pp. 494–508). Oxford University Press.

    Anne West, Jutta Allmendinger, J., Rita Nikolai, & Eleanor Barnham. (2010). “Policy decentralisation and educational achievement in Germany and the U.K.” Environment and planning: Government and Policy, 28(3), 450-468. doi:10.1068/c099 2

    Anne West & Annamari Ylönen. (2010). “Market-oriented school reform in England and Finland: School choice, finance and governance.” Educational Studies, 36(1) 1-12. doi:10.1080/03055690902880307

  • Anne West, Dabney Ingram, & Audrey Hind. (2006). “Skimming the cream? Admissions to charter schools in the U.S. and autonomous schools in England.” Educational Policy, 20(4), 615–639. doi:10.1177/0895904805284054

  • Francine Vaniscotte, Aude Houguenague, & Anne West. (Eds.) (2003). La mobilité étudiante en Europe, mythe ou réalité? Comparaison France-Royaume-Uni [Student mobility in Europe: Myth or reality? Comparison France - United Kingdom]. L’Éditions L’Harmattan.

    Anne West. (2003). “Comparer les systèmes éducatifs: Débats et problèmes méthodologiques” [Comparing education systems: Debates and methodological issues]. In M. Lallement & J. Spurk (Eds.), Stratégies de la comparaison internationale. CNRS Éditions.

    Linda White. (2003). “Liberalism, group rights, and the boundaries of toleration: The case of minority religious schools in Ontario.” Canadian Journal of Political Science, 36(5), 975–1003.